
Click here to see the full medical interpreting glossary.

Medical interpreting role play 1

An English tourist on vacation in Spain is experiencing abdomen pain, a fever and nausea so she decides to go to the doctor.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 1.

Terminology ES: síntomas, esfuerzo físico, reposo, nausea, historial médico, inflamación, apendicitis, operar, operación, extirpado, bazo, páncreas, hábitos alimenticios, palpar, alérgico, fármaco, enfermero, pancreatitis, ecografía, radiografía, TAC.

Terminology EN: indigestion, constipation, appendix, prostate, convalescence.

Medical interpreting role play 2

A Spanish-speaking patient who has had a stomach ache for the last several months goes to a London hospital for a medical consultation. The doctor there has a Pilipino accent. They go over the symptoms, necessary tests, treatments, etc.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 2.

Terminology ES: medicamento, dolor de estómago, sala de espera, analgésico, acidez, dolor muy fuerte, malestar, aspirina, remitir (dolor), eructar, nausea, ibuprofeno.

Terminology EN: consultation, symptoms, bowel movement, feces, vomiting, blood test, upper gastrointestinal system, antacids, appointment.

Medical interpreting role play 3

This consultation consists of a conversation between a doctor and a patient who is experiencing neck pain.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 3.

Terminology ES: tirón muscular, esguince, radiografía dental, molar, examinar.

Terminology EN: jaw, mild, moderate, muscle strain, deep, intense, dull ache, dental exam, filling (teeth).

Medical interpreting role play 4

Yordanka is a Slovakian girl that is in the Erasmus program in Vigo. At a party that takes place at the end of December, she ends up sleeping with a guy and maintains a sexual relationship with him without using protection. She is embarrassed and asks her friend Matej, who is also Slovakian, to go with her to the nearest health clinic to get the morning after pill.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 4.

Terminology ES: píldoras del día después, farmacia, prescripción médica, medicamento, contraindicaciones, problemas vasculares, hipertensión/hipotensión, método anticonceptivo, enfermedad de transmisión sexual, sífilis, gonorrea, virus del papiloma humano, sida, tarjeta sanitaria, receta médica.

Terminology EN: emergency, contraception, side effects, AIDS.

Medical interpreting role play 5

A Spanish woman living in the UK is not feeling well so she visits a general practitioner.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 5.

Terminología ES: malestar general, estreñida, lunar.

Terminología EN: blood pressure, bowel movements, stool, tarry, rectal bleeding, blood clots, rectum, anus, gastrointestinal tract, mild, weakness dizziness, near-fainting, low blood pressure, orthostatic hypotension, shock, haemorrhoids, labwork, stool samples, constipated.

Medical interpreting role play 6

An Irish citizen living in Spain experiences some eye irritation and goes to the eye doctor.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 6.

Terminology ES: irritado, ardor, revisión, dilatar, pupilas, retina, glaucoma, enfermedad diabética, degeneración macular, etapas tempranas, visión borrosa, infección, graduación para las gafas.

Terminology EN: drops, early stages, symptoms.

Medical interpreting role play 7

An English woman arrives to a doctor’s office at a Spanish hospital. The woman complains of stomach pains. Based on her symptoms, the doctor diagnoses her with a liver disease, and gives the patient all the information she needs to know what she’s dealing with.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 7.

Terminology ES: cita, dolor estomacal, tarjeta sanitaria europea, enfermedad crónica, síntomas, jaqueca, dolor abdominal, pérdida del apetito, fiebre, diarrea, ojos amarillentos, ictericia, análisis de sangre, test de función hepática, hígado, hepatitis, observación, alimento contaminado, hepatitis A, sala de análisis.

Terminology EN: acute and continuous pain, nauseous, migrain, headache, itching.

Medical interpreting role play 8

A German girl on Erasmus in Vigo decides to go to the doctor, as she is not feeling well and is having difficulties breathing.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 8.

Terminology ES: medicación, problema respiratorio, enalapril, vicio prejudicial, náuseas, mareos, camilla, auscultar, colapso pulmonar, análisis de sangre, radiografía, en ayunas, consentimiento informado.

Terminology EN: asthmatic, asthma, inhaler, pills, blood pressure, lung cancer, pulmonary insufficiency, analgesic.

Medical interpreting role play 9

A man of Welsh origin is on vacation in A Coruña. He goes to emergency room, as he is suffering from vomiting, abdominal discomfort and diarrhea.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 9.

Terminology ES: vomitar, exploración, camilla, descartar otra enfermedad, inyección, náuseas, suero, vía intravenosa, análisis de sangre y de orina, gastroenteritis aguda, inflamación, tracto gastrointestinal, dieta astringente, deposiciones líquidas, limonada alcalina, antidiarreico, jarabe, medicamento.

Terminology EN: stomach-ache, diarrhoea, chemist.

Medical interpreting role play 10

Anja Webber is German, and has spent two weeks on vacation in Spain. She decides to visit doctor Carballales because, based on her symptoms, she suspects she might be pregnant.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 10.

Terminology ES: nausea, cefalea grave, síntomas, métodos anticonceptivos, ecografía, camilla, jeringuilla, sida, hepatitis.

Terminology EN: headaches, period, pregnancy test, pill, relapse.

Medical interpreting role play 11

A Nigerian migrant suffering from gender violence goes into a doctor’s office in a very agitated state.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 11.

Terminology ES: preguntas rutinarias, historial médico, malaria, tuberculosis enfermedad crónica, asma, alergia, volante, cita médica, consentimiento médico, apalpar, infección tracto digestiva, heridas, moratones, denunciar, víctima de maltrato, comisaría.

Terminology EN: ribs.

Medical interpreting role play 12

An American tourist is spending her holiday in Santiago de Compostela. She has been having symptoms like hair loss, sun sensitivity or swollen joints and she decided to go to the doctor to figure out what is the matter.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 12.

Terminology ES: hoja clínica, diabetes, medicamento, efectos secundarios, tumefacción articular, ansiedad, malestar general, lupus, historial médico, análisis de sangre y orina, lupus eritematoso medicamentoso, sistema inmunitario, síntomas, tratamiento, brote, sarpullidos, llagas, médico de cabecera.

Terminology EN: hypertension, hydralazine.


Medical interpreting role play 13

A woman of Brazilian nationality goes to the emergency room with a Brazilian girl who has been suffering from unbearable pain for days. They are shown into the doctor’s office. At first the woman, whose English is not perfect, does not admit she is the girl’s mother out of fear. She ends up admitting it when the doctor mentions Social Services.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 13.

Terminology ES: camilla, presión sanguínea, inyección, calmar el dolor, TAC, hipotensión, peritonitis, quirófano, servicios sociales, repatriación médica.

Medical interpreting role play 14

A British tourist comes to the emergency room with symptoms similar to those of the flu. After a consultation with the doctor and some tests, she concludes that the patient has contracted malaria.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 14.

Terminology ES: camilla, tomar la temperatura, vomitar, vía, administrar suero, ser propenso a, anemia, síntomas, medicamento, diagnóstico, vacuna, picadura de mosquito, vía intravenosa, malaria, contagio.

Terminology EN: temperature (to have a), shivers, blood donation, health centre.

Medical interpreting role play 15

An English Erasmus student goes to a consultation in the Allergy Service in Vigo after a severe allergic reaction due to an Asian wasp sting.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 15.

Terminology ES: historial, urgencias, desmayarse, picadura de avispa, medicamento, enfermedad crónica, hipertensión, diabetes, mareo, dificultad para respirar, náuseas, vómitos, tensión arterial, adrenalina, oxígeno, antihistamínicos, anafilaxia, alergia al veneno de la avispa, anticuerpos, catarro, polvo, polen, estornudo, tos, mocos, enfermera, pruebas cutáneas, recetar, autoinyector de adrenalina, reacción cutánea, sala de pruebas.

Terminology EN: itch, soles, zits, swollen eyes, cold sweat.

Medical interpreting role play 16

Eleanor Osbourne is an English Erasmus student. She goes to the emergency department of the hospital because she has an acute and constant stomachache. Dr Pazos is asking her some questions in order to know what she is suffering from.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 16.

Terminology ES: alérgica, intolerante, no sentar bien la comida, mareos, fiebre, dolor de cabeza, análisis de sangre, análisis de orina, radiografía, úlcera, gastroenteritis, síntomas, vomitar, pastilla, indigestión, intoxicación alimenticia, nausea, tener gases, vía, medicamento, calmante, infusión, urgencias, cita médica, médico digestivo.

Terminology EN: acute pain, stomach pain, mild pain, throw up, low blood pressure, lack of appetite.

Medical interpreting role play 17

Charles Davis is an English tourist who goes to the doctor in a hospital in Vigo. He says that he has abdominal pain and vomiting. Considering these symptoms, he was diagnosed with a food poisoning by Dr Teresa Rodríguez González.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 17.

Terminology ES: tarjeta sanitaria europea, alérgico, fiebre, síntomas, intoxicación alimentaria, entumecimiento, extremidades, intoxicación grave, sentar mal, lavado de estómago, marisco en mal estado, consentimiento, formulario, ingresar, tratamiento, dar el alta, dieta líquida, seguimiento, nutricionista, medicine, ibuprofeno, inflamación, farmacia, documentos de alta, receta.

Terminology EN: nausea, diarrhoea, tummy ache, headache, low-grade fever, swollen.

Medical interpreting role play 18:

Mackenzie suffers from strong pain on her hips, her ankle and her left knee following a tragic accident which took place on the second stage of the Camino. Thanks to the help of another fellow traveller, Tom, she arrives to the nearest health centre, located in Samos, Lugo. Due to the great presence of international pilgrims, this health facility counts with the services of a professional interpreter.

Click here to access the full transcript of the role play.

Click here to access the proposed glossary for this roleplay.

Terminology ES: agua oxigenada, antiinflamatorio, aplicar frío, apoyarse, atrofia muscular, cadera, camilla, centro de salud, cicatrizar, cirugía, consulta, contusión, curas, enfermero/a, esguince, esparadrapo, estirar, explorar, fracturar, gasas estériles, golpear, herida, miembro inferior izquierdo, inflamado, radiografía, rasguño, sala de rayos X, recetar, reponerse, reposar, segregar pus, torcerdura de tobillo, vendar, zonas doloridas.


Medical interpreting role play 19:

A Scottish tourist suffers an accident on her holidays in Spain and is in need of urgent medical assistance.

Click here to access the full transcript of the role play.

Click here to access the proposed glossary for this roleplay.

Terminology ES: actividades básicas de la vida diaria, colapso pulmonar, costillas, dolor sordo, enfermero/a, férula, fracturar, guardar reposo, hacer curas, herida superficial, ligamento cruzado, membrana, operarse, quirófano, pleura, pulmones, receta, sala de urgencias, secuelas.

Medical interpreting role play 20:

Lukas Mertens is a Belgian transgender boy currently residing in Spain. He wants to know the possible treatments for gender reassignment available. Therefore, he visits Dr. Pérez seeking for her assistance.

Click here to access the full transcript of the roleplay.

Click here to access the proposed glossary for this roleplay.

Terminology ES: alergia, cambio de género, colesterol, consulta, dosis, efectos secundarios, estrógenos, evaluación clínica, expediente médico, hormonarse, menstruación, operación, ovario, seguridad social, tarjeta sanitaria europea, testosterona, transgénero, tratamiento hormonal cruzado.

Medical interpreting role play 1

An English tourist on vacation in Spain is experiencing abdomen pain, a fever and nausea so she decides to go to the doctor.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 1.

Terminology ES: síntomas, esfuerzo físico, reposo, nausea, historial médico, inflamación, apendicitis, operar, operación, extirpado, bazo, páncreas, hábitos alimenticios, palpar, alérgico, fármaco, enfermero, pancreatitis, ecografía, radiografía, TAC.

Terminology EN: indigestion, constipation, appendix, prostate, convalescence.

Medical interpreting role play 2

A Spanish-speaking patient who has had a stomach ache for the last several months goes to a London hospital for a medical consultation. The doctor there has a Pilipino accent. They go over the symptoms, necessary tests, treatments, etc.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 2.

Terminology ES: medicamento, dolor de estómago, sala de espera, analgésico, acidez, dolor muy fuerte, malestar, aspirina, remitir (dolor), eructar, nausea, ibuprofeno.

Terminology EN: consultation, symptoms, bowel movement, feces, vomiting, blood test, upper gastrointestinal system, antacids, appointment.

Medical interpreting role play 3

This consultation consists of a conversation between a doctor and a patient who is experiencing neck pain.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 3.

Terminology ES: tirón muscular, esguince, radiografía dental, molar, examinar.

Terminology EN: jaw, mild, moderate, muscle strain, deep, intense, dull ache, dental exam, filling (teeth).

Medical interpreting role play 4

Yordanka is a Slovakian girl that is in the Erasmus program in Vigo. At a party that takes place at the end of December, she ends up sleeping with a guy and maintains a sexual relationship with him without using protection. She is embarrassed and asks her friend Matej, who is also Slovakian, to go with her to the nearest health clinic to get the morning after pill.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 4.

Terminology ES: píldoras del día después, farmacia, prescripción médica, medicamento, contraindicaciones, problemas vasculares, hipertensión/hipotensión, método anticonceptivo, enfermedad de transmisión sexual, sífilis, gonorrea, virus del papiloma humano, sida, tarjeta sanitaria, receta médica.

Terminology EN: emergency, contraception, side effects, AIDS.

Medical interpreting role play 5

A Spanish woman living in the UK is not feeling well so she visits a general practitioner.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 5.

Terminología ES: malestar general, estreñida, lunar.

Terminología EN: blood pressure, bowel movements, stool, tarry, rectal bleeding, blood clots, rectum, anus, gastrointestinal tract, mild, weakness dizziness, near-fainting, low blood pressure, orthostatic hypotension, shock, haemorrhoids, labwork, stool samples, constipated.

Medical interpreting role play 6

An Irish citizen living in Spain experiences some eye irritation and goes to the eye doctor.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 6.

Terminology ES: irritado, ardor, revisión, dilatar, pupilas, retina, glaucoma, enfermedad diabética, degeneración macular, etapas tempranas, visión borrosa, infección, graduación para las gafas.

Terminology EN: drops, early stages, symptoms.

Medical interpreting role play 7

An English woman arrives to a doctor’s office at a Spanish hospital. The woman complains of stomach pains. Based on her symptoms, the doctor diagnoses her with a liver disease, and gives the patient all the information she needs to know what she’s dealing with.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 7.

Terminology ES: cita, dolor estomacal, tarjeta sanitaria europea, enfermedad crónica, síntomas, jaqueca, dolor abdominal, pérdida del apetito, fiebre, diarrea, ojos amarillentos, ictericia, análisis de sangre, test de función hepática, hígado, hepatitis, observación, alimento contaminado, hepatitis A, sala de análisis.

Terminology EN: acute and continuous pain, nauseous, migrain, headache, itching.

Medical interpreting role play 8

A German girl on Erasmus in Vigo decides to go to the doctor, as she is not feeling well and is having difficulties breathing.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 8.

Terminology ES: medicación, problema respiratorio, enalapril, vicio prejudicial, náuseas, mareos, camilla, auscultar, colapso pulmonar, análisis de sangre, radiografía, en ayunas, consentimiento informado.

Terminology EN: asthmatic, asthma, inhaler, pills, blood pressure, lung cancer, pulmonary insufficiency, analgesic.

Medical interpreting role play 9

A man of Welsh origin is on vacation in A Coruña. He goes to emergency room, as he is suffering from vomiting, abdominal discomfort and diarrhea.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 9.

Terminology ES: vomitar, exploración, camilla, descartar otra enfermedad, inyección, náuseas, suero, vía intravenosa, análisis de sangre y de orina, gastroenteritis aguda, inflamación, tracto gastrointestinal, dieta astringente, deposiciones líquidas, limonada alcalina, antidiarreico, jarabe, medicamento.

Terminology EN: stomach-ache, diarrhoea, chemist.

Medical interpreting role play 10

Anja Webber is German, and has spent two weeks on vacation in Spain. She decides to visit doctor Carballales because, based on her symptoms, she suspects she might be pregnant.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 10.

Terminology ES: nausea, cefalea grave, síntomas, métodos anticonceptivos, ecografía, camilla, jeringuilla, sida, hepatitis.

Terminology EN: headaches, period, pregnancy test, pill, relapse.

Medical interpreting role play 11

A Nigerian migrant suffering from gender violence goes into a doctor’s office in a very agitated state.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 11.

Terminology ES: preguntas rutinarias, historial médico, malaria, tuberculosis enfermedad crónica, asma, alergia, volante, cita médica, consentimiento médico, apalpar, infección tracto digestiva, heridas, moratones, denunciar, víctima de maltrato, comisaría.

Terminology EN: ribs.

Medical interpreting role play 12

An American tourist is spending her holiday in Santiago de Compostela. She has been having symptoms like hair loss, sun sensitivity or swollen joints and she decided to go to the doctor to figure out what is the matter.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 12.

Terminology ES: hoja clínica, diabetes, medicamento, efectos secundarios, tumefacción articular, ansiedad, malestar general, lupus, historial médico, análisis de sangre y orina, lupus eritematoso medicamentoso, sistema inmunitario, síntomas, tratamiento, brote, sarpullidos, llagas, médico de cabecera.

Terminology EN: hypertension, hydralazine.


Medical interpreting role play 13

A woman of Brazilian nationality goes to the emergency room with a Brazilian girl who has been suffering from unbearable pain for days. They are shown into the doctor’s office. At first the woman, whose English is not perfect, does not admit she is the girl’s mother out of fear. She ends up admitting it when the doctor mentions Social Services.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 13.

Terminology ES: camilla, presión sanguínea, inyección, calmar el dolor, TAC, hipotensión, peritonitis, quirófano, servicios sociales, repatriación médica.

Medical interpreting role play 14

A British tourist comes to the emergency room with symptoms similar to those of the flu. After a consultation with the doctor and some tests, she concludes that the patient has contracted malaria.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 14.

Terminology ES: camilla, tomar la temperatura, vomitar, vía, administrar suero, ser propenso a, anemia, síntomas, medicamento, diagnóstico, vacuna, picadura de mosquito, vía intravenosa, malaria, contagio.

Terminology EN: temperature (to have a), shivers, blood donation, health centre.

Medical interpreting role play 15

An English Erasmus student goes to a consultation in the Allergy Service in Vigo after a severe allergic reaction due to an Asian wasp sting.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 15.

Terminology ES: historial, urgencias, desmayarse, picadura de avispa, medicamento, enfermedad crónica, hipertensión, diabetes, mareo, dificultad para respirar, náuseas, vómitos, tensión arterial, adrenalina, oxígeno, antihistamínicos, anafilaxia, alergia al veneno de la avispa, anticuerpos, catarro, polvo, polen, estornudo, tos, mocos, enfermera, pruebas cutáneas, recetar, autoinyector de adrenalina, reacción cutánea, sala de pruebas.

Terminology EN: itch, soles, zits, swollen eyes, cold sweat.

Medical interpreting role play 16

Eleanor Osbourne is an English Erasmus student. She goes to the emergency department of the hospital because she has an acute and constant stomachache. Dr Pazos is asking her some questions in order to know what she is suffering from.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 16.

Terminology ES: alérgica, intolerante, no sentar bien la comida, mareos, fiebre, dolor de cabeza, análisis de sangre, análisis de orina, radiografía, úlcera, gastroenteritis, síntomas, vomitar, pastilla, indigestión, intoxicación alimenticia, nausea, tener gases, vía, medicamento, calmante, infusión, urgencias, cita médica, médico digestivo.

Terminology EN: acute pain, stomach pain, mild pain, throw up, low blood pressure, lack of appetite.

Medical interpreting role play 17

Charles Davis is an English tourist who goes to the doctor in a hospital in Vigo. He says that he has abdominal pain and vomiting. Considering these symptoms, he was diagnosed with a food poisoning by Dr Teresa Rodríguez González.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to medical interpreting role play 17.

Terminology ES: tarjeta sanitaria europea, alérgico, fiebre, síntomas, intoxicación alimentaria, entumecimiento, extremidades, intoxicación grave, sentar mal, lavado de estómago, marisco en mal estado, consentimiento, formulario, ingresar, tratamiento, dar el alta, dieta líquida, seguimiento, nutricionista, medicine, ibuprofeno, inflamación, farmacia, documentos de alta, receta.

Terminology EN: nausea, diarrhoea, tummy ache, headache, low-grade fever, swollen.

Medical interpreting role play 18:

Mackenzie suffers from strong pain on her hips, her ankle and her left knee following a tragic accident which took place on the second stage of the Camino. Thanks to the help of another fellow traveller, Tom, she arrives to the nearest health centre, located in Samos, Lugo. Due to the great presence of international pilgrims, this health facility counts with the services of a professional interpreter.

Click here to access the full transcript of the role play.

Terminology ES: agua oxigenada, antiinflamatorio, aplicar frío, apoyarse, atrofia muscular, cadera, camilla, centro de salud, cicatrizar, cirugía, consulta, contusión, curas, enfermero/a, esguince, esparadrapo, estirar, explorar, fracturar, gasas estériles, golpear, herida, miembro inferior izquierdo, inflamado, radiografía, rasguño, sala de rayos X, recetar, reponerse, reposar, segregar pus, torcerdura de tobillo, vendar, zonas doloridas.


Medical interpreting role play 19:

A Scottish tourist suffers an accident on her holidays in Spain and is in need of urgent medical assistance.

Click here to access the full transcript of the role play.

Terminology ES: actividades básicas de la vida diaria, colapso pulmonar, costillas, dolor sordo, enfermero/a, férula, fracturar, guardar reposo, hacer curas, herida superficial, ligamento cruzado, membrana, operarse, quirófano, pleura, pulmones, receta, sala de urgencias, secuelas.

Medical interpreting role play 20:

Lukas Mertens is a Belgian transgender boy currently residing in Spain. He wants to know the possible treatments for gender reassignment available. Therefore, he visits Dr. Pérez seeking for her assistance.

Click here to access the full transcript of the roleplay.

Terminology ES: alergia, cambio de género, colesterol, consulta, dosis, efectos secundarios, estrógenos, evaluación clínica, expediente médico, hormonarse, menstruación, operación, ovario, seguridad social, tarjeta sanitaria europea, testosterona, transgénero, tratamiento hormonal cruzado.

Medical interpreting role play 21:

The American patient Mr Peter Smith is on holiday in Vigo and comes to the Álvaro Cunqueiro Hospital for emergency care due to severe chest pain and shortness of breath. He is seen by Dr. Marta Vázquez, a specialist in pneumology.

Click here to access the full transcript of the roleplay.

Terminology ES: enfermedad respiratoria, asma, rinitis, crisis de asma, prueba de antígens, saturación de oxígeno en sangre, auscultar, mucosidad, bronquios, bronquitis, Urbason, corticosteroide, inflamación, vías respiratorias, inyección intramuscular, antibiótico, amoxicilina, expectorante, acetilcisteína, Deflazacort, antiinflamatorio, Terbasmin, Pulmicort.

Terminology EN: phlegm, dust mite allergy, nebulization, inhaler, injection.

Medical interpreting role play 22:

Mary Jones is an American tourist on a trip to Spain. During her stay, she experiences breathing difficulties, chest pain, persistent fever and a cough, so she decides to see a doctor.

Click here to access the full transcript of the roleplay.

Terminology ES: fiebre, tensión, saturación de oxígeno, oxímetro, diarrea, enfermedad respiratoria, diabética, colesterol, PCR, COVID-19, cánula nasal, auscultar, análisis de orina, análisis de sangre, placa de tórax, neumonía (viral), derrame pleural, toracocentesis, catéter.

Terminology EN: paracetamol, ribs, snot, phlegm, stomach bug, gastroeneritis, cramps, vomit, penicillin, mites.

Medical interpreting role play 23:

Alena Nováková is a pregnant woman who slips down the stairs and hits her head and is rushed to the emergency room by ambulance.

Click here to access the full transcript of the roleplay.

Terminology ES: síntoma, perder la consciencia, dolor abdominal, conmoción cerebral, ecografía, TAC, bata de plomo, tensión, análisis sanguíneo, feto, cerebro, observación, justificante médico, analgésico, médico de urgencias, planta.

Terminology EN: headache, dizzy, vomit, CT examination.
