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Maribel del Pozo Triviño has a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish Philology from the University of Ireland and a Bachelor’s degree and Doctorate in Translation and Interpretation from the University of Vigo.

In 1997 she founded SPRINT, a translation and interpretation agency and language academy. Since 1998 she has also been a Spanish/English legal translator and interpreter. In 2001 she began to combine her profession as a translator and interpreter with teaching University courses. She is currently a full-time professor at the University of Vigo, where she teaches courses related to public service translating and interpreting (PSTI). She has also instructed numerous courses, workshops and conferences regarding different aspects of PSTI and participates in research projects linked with this field. Her research centres on legal and judiciary translation, as well as PSTI. She has produced several different publications in this regard, and has also attended numerous international conferences.

She is a member of the GENTT research group (University of Jaume I), is a founding member of the Galician Association of Translation and Interpretation Professionals, a member of the Association of Legal Translators and Interpreters of Catalonia, a member of the Professional Association of Legal and Judiciary Translators and Interpreters and has been a member of the Iberian Association of Translation and Interpretation Studies since its initiation. In addition, she is a member of Red Comunica, Permanent Observatory of Public Service Translation and Interpretation. She also currently represents the University of Vigo in Vigo City Hall’s Sector Council of Migrations.


Ana María Pérez Fernández has a Bachelor’s degree in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Vic (2008) and a Master’s degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language from the University of Barcelona (2019).

In 2008 she graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in translation from Vic, and since then she has worked as freelance translator and interpreter in Forlì, Italy, where she also teaches Spanish to foreigners.

In 2017 she started working as a translation and interpreting professor at the CIELS School of Interpreting in Bologna and has also worked in the CIELS office in Padua since 2019. She regularly organizes and participates in courses, workshops, conferences and seminars in the field.

Her research focuses on the teaching of liaison and consecutive interpretation, as well as in the creation of materials to improve the quality of teaching and learning.

She is a member and vice president of the association of Translators and Interpreters of Forlì (TradInFo), where she organizes courses and events.


Ana Moreno Bruna has a Bachelor’s degree in Translation and Interpreting from the Pablo de Olavide University (Seville), a Master’s degree in Hispanic Philology from the University of Antwerp (Belgium) and a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Ghent (Belgium). Her research focuses on the influence that pedagogical efforts by home universities can have on the learning process of language students during an Erasmus stay. More specifically, in relation to their intercultural competence and their lexical and pragmatic mastery of Spanish as a second language.

She currently teaches subjects related to mastery of the Spanish language, translation, interpretation, and didactics of Spanish at the University of Ghent. She also works as an examiner for the official certification tests for social interpreters of the Agency for Integration and Civic Insertion (AGII) of the Government of Flanders, Belgium.


July De Wilde has a degree in Romance Philology (Spanish and French) from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels, Belgium), has completed a Master’s degree in Mexican Literature at the Benemérita University of Puebla (Mexico) and has a PhD in Linguistics and Literature from the University of Ghent (Belgium). She currently works as a professor and researcher at the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication at the University of Ghent (Belgium). She teaches subjects related to interpreting, multilingual and intercultural communication, as well as the cultural history of Latin America. Her research focuses on language facilitation in multilingual and intercultural institutional settings, as well as interpreter-mediated encounters (professional, non-professional, working face-to-face or remotely). She has published in several international journals, including Language Policy, Translator, Multilingua, Translation and Interpreting, Journal of Language and Politics, and FITISPOS International Journal.


Louise Deriemaeker, native of Belgium and passionate about languages, upon finishing her high school, she decided to study Applied Linguistics (Dutch, French and Spanish). That choice of hers led her to leave her hometown to live in Ghent, near one of the best universities in the region. Within the framework of her studies, she spent six months in Granada, thanks to the Erasmus program, a stay that further awakened her deep love for languages.

In 2021 she completed a Master’s degree in Translation at the University of Ghent. After graduating, still not satisfied her desire to master her languages perfectly, she began her journey to be an interpreter. In 2022 she obtained a Master’s degree in Interpretation. In 2023 she has been awarded a scholarship by the European Union for the postgraduate course in “Conference Interpreting” that she is currently studying. She has added the English language to her language combinations, standing out as a professional and upright interpreter.

Her greatest wish is that everyone can communicate assertively and consciously in an environment where truth and justice reign. With that vision in mind, she will take her first steps in the job market.


Carlota Acosta Rodríguez was born in Marín (Pontevedra) in 1996. She finished her secondary education studies in Humanities at IES Illa de Tambo as an honour student. After that she started a degree in Translation and Interpretation at the University of Vigo in 2014. In addition to her University studies, she has participated in language and sign language courses. During her second year of studies she received an Erasmus scholarship to study at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. During the fourth and final year of her degree she completed her first professional internship in the world of translation and interpretation.


Elena Armas López was born in Lugo in 1989. After finishing her secondary education studies in Social Sciences at Lugo’s IES No. 1 as an honour student, she decided that she wanted to go into languages and cultures and was determined to start a new phase in her life by attending the University of Vigo and obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Translation and Interpretation (Spanish/English/French). During her third year of University, she crossed the vast Canal de la Mancha in order to spend an academic year in Liverpool as an Erasmus student. During her year at the University of Liverpool she was awarded two academic merit awards: the Grace Brown Prize and the Spanish Translation Prize. When she returned to Vigo, she began her fourth year of University studies with enthusiasm and renewed hope. During the fifth and final year of her degree she worked on this project as well as an internship and partnerships in the world of translation and interpretation.

Guillermo Rosales González came into this world in 1989 in Pontevedra. He completed his secondary education studies in IES Sánchez Cantón, specializing in Health Sciences, as an honour student and was awarded the Extraordinary Secondary Education Award and the Academic Excellence Award. In 2007 he began his Bachelor’s degree in Translation and Interpretation (Spanish/English/French) at the University of Vigo. During his third year, he set off for the University of Glasgow, Scotland as an Erasmus student, where he received a French Studies award. When he returned, he began the second cycle of his degree. During his last year of studies in translation and interpretation he dedicated some of his time to small projects in the professional world.

Kerri Lynn Murphy was born in 1980 in North Platte, Nebraska, U.S.A. She graduated as an honour student from the North Platte High School in 1998 and attended Mid Plains Community College in North Platte with a full-ride Academic Scholarship for two years.  After receiving her Associate of Arts degree specializing in General Studies in the year 2000 she transferred to the University of Nebraska at Kearney where she attended for four years. During her fourth year of studies she moved to Houston, Texas for six months to complete her student teaching requirement and in 2004 obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish Translation and Interpretation with a minor in International Relations and a Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education with Spanish and English as a Second Language (ESL) endorsements. After she graduated from the University she moved back to her home town of North Platte and obtained a position as a Spanish teacher at her former High School. She worked there for three years and after having many enriching experiences decided to follow her dream and move to Spain. She has been living in Madrid for the last five years and has been in various English teaching programs working as a Language and Culture Assistant in several different public, private and charter schools in the Community of Madrid as well as several different Language Schools, Academies and Summer Camp programs. In 2011 she decided to pursue another dream and obtain a Master’s degree in Public Service Translation and Interpretation at the University of Alcalá de Henares and has had the honour of collaborating on this project with the University of Vigo.

Manuel Folgueira Anllo was born in Castro Ribeiras de Lea (Lugo) in 1998. After studying his Bachelor of Humanities, in 2016 he began his degree in Translation and Interpreting at the University of Vigo. During his second year, he studied at Leipzig University (Germany) with an Erasmus scholarship. In his last year at the University of Vigo (2019/2020), apart from being a trainee in the professional world for the first time, he collaborated with this project.

Daniel Alonso Lorenzo was born and raised in Ourense, where he studied the Spanish Humanities and graduated from high school in 2017. Later that year he started his studies in Translation and Interpreting at Universidade de Vigo, with a focus on English and German. Thanks to the Erasmus programme he was able to study his second year at Cardiff University, where he also started his studies of the Catalan language and culture, which would eventually lead him to a Catalan course in València organized by the Institut Ramón Llull and the Acadèmia de la Llengua Valenciana. During his final year, apart from an internship with a freelance translator, he contributed to update the contents and features of this webpage, creating the terminology and resources sections included in the roleplays.

Ana Iglesias Pérez was born in Vigo in 2000. In 2018, after graduating from high school in Social Sciences as an honour student, she began her degree in Translation and Interpreting at Universidade de Vigo (EN-ES-FR). Thanks to the Erasmus+ scholarship, she studied her second year at Dublin City University (Ireland), where she completely immersed herself in the English-speaking world. In her third year, she worked part-time as an English teacher at Kids&Us. During her final year, apart from doing an internship with a freelance translator, she collaborated with this project, especially in updating and optimising the website contents and in creating a system to (auto)assess liaison interpreting.

Manuela María Pequeño Leis was born in Cee (A Coruña) in 1991. She finished her secondary education studies in Humanities at IES Agra de Raíces as an honour student. Her passion for reading, languages, travelling and different cultures lead her to pursue a degree in Translation and Interpretation at the University of Vigo in 2009. In addition to her University studies, she has participated in creative writing workshops and language courses both inside and outside of Spain. During her second year of studies she received an Erasmus scholarship to study at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. During the fourth and final year of her degree she completed her first professional internship in the world of translation and interpretation.

Raquel Ferrón Martínez graduated in Translation and Interpreting (ES/EN/FR) at the University of Vigo. She participated in the publication La traducción e interpretación de la literatura infantil y juvenil bicultural en España (Editorial Comares, 2019), completed her professional internship at Editorial Galaxia as a literary translator, and collaborated with the Department of Translation and Linguistics in the maintenance of Linkterpreting. She completed her studies at the Université Paris-Sorbonne and the University of Málaga.

Rut Guinarte Mencía was born in Vigo in 1988. In 2005 she moved to the Cañada Blanch Spanish Institute in London, where she had the opportunity to meet some descendants of Galician emigrants. There, she completed her secondary education studies, specializing in Science and Technology Studies, as an honour student. In 2006 she returned to Galicia to begin her Bachelor’s degree in Translation and Interpretation at the University of Vigo. During the third, fourth and fifth year at university, she received some scholarships to study in Italy, the United States and Australia, at the Università degli Studi di Genova, at the Pitzer College (Claremont Colleges) and at the University of Western Sydney. Since she received her Bachelor’s degree in 2011, and after getting some experience as a translator, she combined her job as a language teacher with the creation of the Galician version of this project. She is also interested in social activism translation and feminism translation.

Beatriz Longa Alonso was born in Vigo in 1986. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Vigo (2005-2010) and received scholarships to study at Bangor University (United Kingdom) and Western Sydney University (Australia). She is also a qualified Sign Language Interpreter with a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics by the universities of  Vigo, A Coruña and Santiago de Compostela. She is a member of BIFEGA and a PhD student at the International Doctoral Program in Translation & Paratranslation with a research on Sign Language interpreting in gender-based violence contexts.


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