
Click here to see the full social interpreting glossary.

Community interpreting role play 1

Iara, a Brazilian immigrant in the United States, asks Teresa for help in fixing her situation so that she can go to University.

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Terminology ES: regularización.

Terminology EN: Green card, visa, police record, (High school) senior, GPA.


Community interpreting role play 2

Alexandros Kourtinos is a Greek immigrant that asks Accem for help in finding employment.

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Terminology ES: ONG, refugiado, inmigrante, programas de formación, acogida, inserción socio-laboral, habilidades, proceso de búsqueda de empleo, sobornar, experiencia laboral.

Community interpreting role play 3

A Nigerian immigrant goes to the AIDA organization to ask for help because she has been offered a job and doesn’t understand the legal procedures that she needs to follow in order to start.

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Terminología ES: presentar papeles, visado, NIE, número de identificación de extranjeros, plazo, solicitud, darse de alta, seguridad social, oficina de extranjería, comisaría de policía, cubrir un documento, foto tamaño carné, impreso de solicitud, traducción jurada, apellido de casada, trámite legal, asesorar.

Terminología EN: Birth certificate, working permit, employer, application form certified/sworn translation, bride’s name.

Community interpreting role play 4

A battered American woman living in Spain speaks to a social worker about the domestic abuse that she is experiencing with her husband.

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Terminology ES: moratones.

Terminology EN: Wasted, pissed off, screw around on somebody, shooting the shit, knock down, housewife, slur words, annihilated, to witness.

Community interpreting role play 5

A German expat from Brazil arrives to Spain and seeks help from a NGO.

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Terminology ES: Tarjeta de identidad de extranjero, formularios, permiso de residencia, permiso de trabajo, convalidación de estudios, subvenciones.

Community interpreting role play 6

Nadia, a Romanian immigrant, decides to seek help after suffering abuse in her workplace where she works as a maid.

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Terminology ES: permiso de residencia temporal, permiso de residencia permanente, legalizar la situación, documentación, NIE, centro de acogida.

Terminology EN: Maid.

Community interpreting role play 7

The manager of the NH hotel in Vigo, Chinese and with residence and job permit in Spain, goes to the Aliens Office  to ask for information about the process to bring a worker from China to Spain.

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Terminology ES: Permiso de residencia, permiso de trabajo, sepe, trabajador, fotocopia, documentación, oficina de extranjería, documento EX-03, seguridad social, 40 horas semanales, autorización de residencia y trabajo por cuenta ajena, documento, visado, embajada, comisaría, tarjeta de residencia y trabajo, vida laboral, residencia de larga duración.

Terminology EN: employee.

Community interpreting role play 8

Mukami Mariga from Kenia arrives in Spain but her final destination is the UK. She approaches the CEAIN (Migrants’ Assistance Centre) in Andalusia (Spain) where a staff member, María Fernández, takes on her case. Mukami is seeking a residence permit and a temporary work permit and wants to know the documents she needs in order to leave Spanish territory.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to community interpreting role play 8.

Terminology ES: Centro de acogida de inmigrantes, CEAIN, acreditar identidad, cédula de inscripción, permiso de residencia temporal, regularizar, oficina de extranjería, comisaría de policía, residencia temporal y trabajo de duración determinada, título de viaje.

Terminology EN: to show proof of identity.

Community interpreting role play 9

An Algerian immigrant who has recently arrived in Spain finds work and needs to obtain work and residence permits. Furthermore, she wants to enroll her daughter in an elementary school. To solve all her doubts, she goes to Accem, an NGO specialized in the care of refugees, migrants and people at risk of social exclusion.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to community interpreting role play 9.

Terminology ES: Trabajadora social, asesorar, documentos, permiso temporal de residencia, contrato laboral, fotocopia, empresa contratante, seguridad social, formulario de solicitud, libro de familia, cartilla de vacunación.

Terminology EN: residence and work permit, application form.

Community interpreting role play 10

This roleplay describes the tragic situation in which Nala and her son Sharik, immigrants from Ghana, find themselves. Nala approaches the Office of Asylum and Refuge (OAR) in Madrid where Natalia, the UNHCR delegate, will attend them. The aim of this family is to get asylum and refuge in Spain: it is a long and tedious process, but Natalia will help the family achieve it.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to community interpreting role play 10.

Terminology ES: Refugiada, derecho a asistencia sanitaria, revisión médica, Centro de atención a refugiados y asilados, petición de asilo, trámites, solicitud, muda, progreso de su solicitud.

Terminology EN: asylum/refuge, dinghy.

Community interpreting role play 11

Natalya Alexandrovna Tymoshenko is a Ukrainian immigrant who has just arrived in Spain with her husband and her little daughter. She has found a job, but she needs a work permit in order to take it. Furthermore, she has started to have problems at home. She goes to the Welcoming Centre for Immigrants in Madrid in order to seek help.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to community interpreting role play 11.

Terminology ES: Centro de acogida de inmigrantes, permiso de residencia, permiso de trabajo, documento que acredite identidad, oficina de extranjería, comisaría de policía, tres fotos de carné en color, folleto, número de información de violencia de género, teléfono de emergencias.

Terminology EN: brochure, leaflet.

Community interpreting role play 12

A Syrian man has just arrived in Spain getting away from the war and the poverty in his country. He needs advice in order to apply for asylum and information about all the documents he shall provide. He also wants to get information about Spanish lessons and job opportunities.

Click here to see the text that corresponds to community interpreting role play 12.

Terminology ES: ACNUR, regularizar su situación, refugiado, asistencia sanitaria y jurídica gratuita, derecho a intérprete, repatriación, proceso de solicitud, título de viaje, ONG, formación laboral.

Community interpreting role play 13:

An immigrant visits his local social services office in order to ask for information about housing subsidies.

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Terminology ES: ayuda de vivienda, cartilla bancaria, certificado de empadronamiento, contrato de alquiler, familia numerosa, ingreso mensual, nivel de renta, personas con pocos recursos, recibo de pago, referencia catastral, solicitar ayuda de vivienda, solicitud, subsidio, tarjeta de identificación de extranjero, titular de la cuenta, transferencia bancaria.

Community interpreting role play 14:

Suhaila Khaled is a Syrian women who seeks for assistance in the social services. She explains her situation, which she no longer bears. This woman is a victim of gender-based violence from his husband. According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA: her country is one where this kind of behaviour is normalized and approximately one out of three women is a victim of gender-based violence in Syria.

Click here to access the full transcript of the role play.

Terminology ES: denuncia, documento de identidad, formulario, información confidencial, permiso de residencia, víctima de malos tratos, violencia de género.

Community interpreting role play 15:

A Ghanese women visits the Oficina de Extranjeros in Vigo in order to gather information about how to get his Spanish NIE.

Click here to access the full transcript of the role play.

Terminology ES: apátrida, ayuda social, colegio, comisaría, contrato laboral, DNI, en regla, firmar un contrato, contrato de larga estancia, nacionalidad, número de identificación de extranjero NIE, oficina de extranjería, ONG, pasaporte, cita previa, pedir cita, permiso de residencia, procedimiento, regularizar, residencia temporal, seguridad social, sistema sanitario, solicitar, tarjea de contacto, tarjeta sanitaria, trámites burocráticos.

Terminology EN: caregiver.

Community interpreting role play 16:

Khristina is a transgender Bulgarian girl who comes to an NGO office seeking advice on how to apply for a grant.

Click here to access the full transcript of the role play.

Terminology ES: albergue, abogado de oficio, orden de alejamiento, oficina del paro.

Terminology EN: mental disability, shelter, mistreated women, restraining order, Minimum Subsistence Income.
