
(c) taliesin

Translation and interpretation are often confused and used interchangeably, and therefore it is necessary to establish a distinction between these two terms.

Translation generally consists in transferring a written text from a source language into a target language. It is a process in which a written product is obtained.

Interpretation, on the other hand, is a process that consists in orally transferring a delivered speech or written text from a particular source language to a target language. This process renders the message into oral speech and is called interpretation. However, the source material does not necessarily have to be oral; an exception being sight translation, in which the source material comes from a written text.

(c) matsukawa1971

Interpretation is a very complex process in which many variables come into play: short-term and long-term memories, concentration, breathing, self-control, mental agility, and of course, the mastery of the languages that the interpreter is working with. Without going into too much detail on the theoretical perspective of interpretation, it is worth mentioning that this website provides the necessary information and resources for training and development of some of the basic abilities and competencies that are required in order to practice this profession.
