Welcome to Linkterpreting!
Linkterpreting is a resource site for liaison interpreting, which has been designed for interpreters in training, professional interpreters, interpreter trainers and anyone else interested in multilingual communication.
It is an open and dynamic project born within the Educational Innovation Group Linkterpreting, and BiFeGa, one of the research groups of Universidade de Vigo, under the guidance of Dr. Maribel del Pozo Triviño, that combines theoretical concepts with practical exercises and didactic materials.
The blue upper menu of this page provides the following information:
- theoretical information about interpretation (definition, history, modes, fields, bibliography and other resources);
- preliminary exercises (mental agility, two-way communication, cloze, concentration and divided attention, numeric contextualization, definitions, improvisation, memory and mental imagery, paraphrasing and simplification, lexical and semantic activation, register and reformulation, note-taking, voice and breathing);
- interpreter training information;
- useful links to blogs, organisations and institutions, journals, terminology and documentation resources and networks, associations and groups;
- information about the authors of the webpage;
- contact information;
- language selection (Spanish, English, Galician and Italian).
The upper menu is divided into six sections that correspond to the main fields of Public Service Interpreting: social, medical, legal, police as well as one section on business interpreting. Each of these sections contains:
- theoretical information related to each of the fields;
- role-plays (text and video) for practicing liaison interpreting;
- documents related to the different fields.
In the last section, “other language combinations”, you can find training materials for other language combinations (Dutch and Spanish Sign Language).
Linkterpreting was created by Elena Armas López, Guillermo Rosales González, Rut Guinarte Mencía, Kerri Murphy, Manuela María Pequeño Leis, Carlota Acosta Rodríguez, Raquel Ferrón Martínez, Manuel Folgueira Anllo, Daniel Alonso Lorenzo, Ana Iglesias Pérez and Beatriz Longa Alonso, current and previous Translation and Interpretation students of the University of Vigo, under the guidance of Dr. Maribel del Pozo Triviño. We would like to thank all of our colleagues in the Translation and Interpretation programs Licenciatura and Grado en Traducción e Interpretación for their support and their essential help in the compilation and creation of material. We would also like to thank Elisa Gómez López, lecturer at the University of Vigo that has provided us with material and advice and who has also given us her constant support and experience.
Finally, we sincerely thank Ana María Pérez Fernández, teacher at the Linguistic Mediation School CIELS in Bologna (Italy), for being in charge of the Italian version of this platform, in collaboration with Chiara Bartoli, Lisa Andreoli, Denise Pancaldi, Sabrina Fiengo and other trainees. And Ana Moreno Bruna, July de Wilde and Louise Deriemaeker from Ghent University (Belgium) for adapting to Dutch part of the training materials.
Kindly browse through our webpage. We hope you enjoy it!
Our impact worldwide:
If you are a user of Linkterpreting and your institution is not included on our map, please send us an email to linkterpreting@uvigo.es with the data of your institution and the programme where the contents are used! Click here to access the full list of institutions.
Other webs of the group with resources for liaison interpreting: